Sunday, April 11, 2010

Influences of Media

When we were watching the documentary, i was a little offensive about the whole Disney manipulating or having bad influences to the children. It is because i have been grown up with Disney animation like everyone else. And all the animation and characters are dreams land to me. It is a place where i can escape the reality and believe on happy endings. When the people in the documentary tearing apart each characters, especially Beauty and the Beast, and Mulan, I was a little angry and upset.

However, after i sit down and start thinking about it. Maybe it is true that Disney is not putting too much concern on the social messages that they created either intentionally or unintentionally to the children. Disney animators and designers need to think about their responsibilities before creating their pieces. Though, they might be sending the wrong messengers or being little racist on some of the animations; not all of the points made by the people in the documentary make sense. It is also has to due with how diversity and culture influences to each country. We all can't really know each different culture or country tradition or practice unless we live there long enough. Our resources to this kind of information is limited. The stereotype for each country and culture will be there no matter what. We sometimes have to accept that there are too much to cover.

Besides Disney to blame on, our media in general has played a huge role. Music, TV, Magazine, social Media and many other media that children today surrounded with. Many kids are all about following what's the hippest or updated styles and might not even know what they are actually mean. It is the parents job to educate and guide the children on what they seen and hear. Letting them know the reality and not spoil them by accepting what media is do to us.

As a designer, i do feel that i am part of the responsibility to change the problem we have with media. We have to know what we are creating and publishing and do it with morals and values. We should also bring more awareness to the people that media can be manipulating but it is about how much the kids and the parents willing to take action to break away from the controls.

Most of us grew up with Disney and we all still turn up fine. I believe at some point of life, we will learn that what media provides us might not be 100% real. It is about not being ignorance but open-minded to accept every culture and be wise.

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