Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Creative ideas and testimonials for Promo Video

As we are planning the promotional video for Crua Stone, we want to capture your creative and sincere thoughts. We are looking for:
Music options
Student's testimonials about the process of developing the marketing for Mike
Customer's testimonials about Mike's jewelry
Any other ideas you want to share


  1. I have a little bit of the playlist planned out, but I'm also waiting to hear from Mike on his favorite types of music, since I think that's important too. So far, I'm going for contemporary and laid back beats that are evocative of the FL west coast beach lifestyle.

  2. Testimonial - It is such a joy working with Mike and this creative group. Mike's delicate, detail carved stone is a unique product, a way to express his passion for art and self explore. Using Mike's stone, we as a class get to learn the entire process of marketing from the beginning to the end and not only just the planning part but execute it. We work hard as a team and have fun at the same time.

  3. Testimonial- Mike's stone carving certainly stands out from a lot art work. You can tell that each piece has had a lot of time and attention because they are flawless. The stone not only looks great, but it reflects Mike's personality and who he is as an artist. Being part of developing a marketing plan for Mike has also been a great experience. The whole process of the class working together has been more rewarding rather than just reading only the text book and writing papers. We all have better understanding of what marketing is and will hopefully use it in the future to market our own work one day.

  4. Testimonial
    Mike's hand-carved stones are unique and beautiful, it deserves to be noticed. The entire marketing process was a fun and interesting learning experience. We learned to strategically plan to actually executing the process of marketing the product. We worked hard and it was a pleasure to work along with Mike and the class as a team.
