Sunday, February 21, 2010

Food Inc. and the lifted veil.

After watching Food Inc. I feel that the depths of corruption within this country have hit an all-time low. Putting capital gain before the safety and well-being of the worlds citizens is a sign of a completely unethical bureaucratic system. It seems to me that the FDA needs to have a restriction that any money exchanged between an employee of that administration and any representative of food company will be fired immediately and regulations set that no one that worked within a food manufacturer can be eligible for employment within the FDA. I also feel that we as a society need to stand up and demand a better quality of food. This film completely opened my eyes.


  1. Watching Food Inc. did not change my opinion about food, but it did make my realize the corruption going on in the food industry. It was interesting to watch how the jobs of the employees and to see how cavalier about what they do. I think that the employees know that it is wrong but they just keep working to make money. I think that they don't speak up because the food industry is so large that their voice won't be heard. I thought this was a good movie to show viewers what it is like behind the scenes of slaughter houses. I found that quite interesting. This movie did not change my opinion about food. I believe that people should be smart about what they are putting in their body.

  2. I have not seen all of Food, Inc, only the scenes we watched together in class. I was shocked and pretty disgusted to see what goes on behind the scenes. I knew that animals were treated horribly and that factories were rough but actually seeing footage of the various animals and the conditions in which they are raised was shocking. Even worse than that I was shocked by all the hormones and anti-boitics these animals are pumped full of. That was really disturbing, realizing how unhealthy these environments are and horrible it is to consume a lot of the meat I do. It is all so hush-hush it's scary. I think that seeing this movie was eye-opening but I also know that I am probably going to continue eating the same things I have been. Changing these companies is not something simple and showing people a movie like this is not going to change a lot of peoples eating habits. I think what needs to be done and what CAN be done is proper labeling. I think that it consumers need to be aware of what they are eating and then can make a choice for themselves.
