Monday, February 22, 2010

Food INC

I know it's crazy late, I know I would get fired, but in my defense..I had helped an old lady cross the street the other day :). The movie FOOD INC opened my eyes to what the food industry is really about. I understand that fast food isn't good for you. I know big name companies are doing things they should to the food that I consume and could cause side effects on my body. I hear it all the time when I tell people I'm going to go eat at Burger King, but I never really think about it. The movie FOOD INC revealed a side of the food industry that should be fully exposed in every right. The movie goes into explaining the farmer's role in the fast food market. I feel for those poor people who don't have anywhere to turn to for help and decide to trade off their resources for a little piece of change. Not only is it a little piece of change, but they end up borrowing more money from the bank than they receive from those big name companies. Next my heart went out to those poor little critters. They're feeding chickens something to make them more fatter and it's not good for the chickens let alone for the farmers. It's true that it is a job and someone has to do it, so they hire... "minorities" to do the job. I mean why not? they'll do it for low pay like their lives depended on it, or better yet the citizenship for all of the aliens they have working for them that is. When it's all said and done I'm starting to see what's going on around and what the truly the process in which the food industry is taking to make sure their pockets stay full.

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