Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mike's Stone Jewelry New Name

Hey guys, we've been brainstorming a new name for this stuff.

mike stone
mike stoned
first stone
stoned out
rare stone
flex stone
rare nature
raw nature
true stone
true nature

Please comment by Sunday night on your favorites..if no one has any preferences, we're just going to ask Mike!


  1. 1. Mike Stoned - simple and straight forward and easy to remember.
    2. true stone - true can mean in many diff. way- real, special, nature....
    3. Stoned out - sounds funny and unique to me

  2. Idk its a tad cliche but it def sums up what he does

  3. feel free to make a suggestion too!

  4. I like the first 2 the best. Mike Stoned sounds better to me. I like them because it incorporates his name with what he does. My third choice would be true nature because it sounds very organic and environmental, a good description of what it is.

  5. 1 - first stone

    2 - rare nature

    3 - stoned out

  6. rawnate - just because it sounds a lot different than the others. the others seems so boring and doesn't really give a ring to it even though they all describes mike's art. i don't know the others just sound to cliche and boring... when i say it it kind of gives me a sense that the stone itself is ornate. i don't know.

    true nature- is really simple. i like the simplicity of it.

  7. 1.true stone
    2.true nature
    3.rare nature

    Mike Stoned and names implying weed might not convey the right message to the consumer. I think True Stone/Nature says that the product is clean and natural and will appeal to all three of the segmented groups developed.

  8. 1. Mike Stone
    2. True Stone
    3. True Nature

    Rawnate... If I didn't know I would think think the artists name would be Nate not Mike. And I agree with Morgana about Mike Stoned, we have to consider that the older generation (aka parents) are potential customers.

  9. "raw nature" is my preference of this list. . . . . but they all sound pretty cliché if ya ask me [no offense that is]

  10. I like raw stone the most. Going too far with the "beach" culture will inhibit the approachability of the products.

    2nd choice is Rawnate since it's easy to remember.

  11. I'm a fan of the word "raw", stoned raw?

    But Raw Nature sounds nice but I'm going to go with Rawnate because it's unique.

  12. I really like the name "true stone" or if we are apt to suggest variations how about "pure stone"? The name suggests the very nature of the product, pure, natural stone-carved jewelry.

  13. 1. Raw Nature
    2. True Stone
    3. Stoned out

    I mostly agree with what a lot of people have already said. I think going with a name that implies naturalistic approach is necessary. Stoned Out is a comical approach. I dig it.

  14. 1.raw nature

    2.true nature

    3.true stone

    I picked raw nature as my number one pick because it symbolizes our demographic in my opinion. The ones who will be buying theses stones are mostly the ones who like the idea making nature beautiful in it's natural form. The ones who would buy this form of art on the spot to "support" the arts.

  15. "Raw Nature" has my vote-

    Its a bit edgy while also implying the properties of the product: raw materials from nature. Its green friendly with some attitude

    "Stoned Out" is definitely appealing. If I saw it in a store, I'll definitely would want to know more about it because it's clever. Although the idea it implies of being 'stoned' might not appeal to everyone it does set a demographic

  16. I kinda like Stoned Out too, though I wonder if we should try to keep his name in there...

    Raw Stoned?

    Stoned Nature? :P

  17. raw nature
    true nature
    mike stone

    The first two choices i simply like because they include the word nature and that immediately says organic etc.
    Mike stone i liked because it is his , his art work, his creation... i thought it emphasized the idea of it being hand made.

  18. I waited till late Sunday to post to wait to see what everyone else thought. First thing that I wasn't much of a fan of was using the word stoned in the name. I think is a funny approach but implies an unfocused and childish art. True stone would be my first pick because it incorporates the product and the word true which really implies the way I approach my design and how I want to keep my stone buisiness even if it becomes larger than I can handle it. A close second and thought alot about making it my first choice was raw nature. I like this name because the stone I use really comes raw from nature and that's why I like carving so much. It also hints to a go green aspect of the stone products. Third I like flex stone basically because its so different and I just like how it sounds.

  19. Flex Stone
    True Stone

    I think all three of these really show depth in what Mike is capable of making with his stone. I feel like to keep it professional it is better to keep his name out of the brand. I like Flex Stone specifically because it sounds somewhat modern but still keeps the natural feel with the word stone. Rawnate really gives me this clear vision of what Mikes work would look like, small, real, and intricate. True stone is my third favorite but the reason I like it is because of the way it sounds, it kind of just automatically makes Mike seem like a good, down to earth artist.
