Sunday, February 21, 2010

Food Inc...

I have never seen this movie before, but I have heard a lot about it and the impact it had on peoples life, some people even changed their life styles, changing their diets and so on.

It was interesting to see how big companies control and exploit smaller producers, employees and animals.

It was also interesting to see how some small producers deny the imposition of radical rules of the big companies like that small producer that did not want to change the cages of the chickens, it was shocking to see that the big company terminated the contract.

I left me thinking about how everything we eat everything that sits in the grocery store probably has been manufactured that “cruel” way. I wonder if we will eve know where those things really come from other that the little sticker on the package.

I was surprised by the size of the food industries in here I am used to a much smaller country in which big industries are nothing compared to this ones.

It is a move that I recommend people to watch! But we also need to be very thoughtful when we watch it and pay more attention to what we buy and where.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure how to blog, so I am posting as a comment to Xime's post.
    Watching Food Inc. did not change my point of view on food, but it did make me think about it more. I have been well aware of the way we treat our food, and the animals that provide that food, for quite some time now. I have also been aware of the corruption that takes place behind the turned heads of the public. The truth is, many people do not want to know what is going on in the meat packing factors. Many, many Americans would rather just get what they want, when they want it and they do not want to know how it got there.
    This idea is based on how we have been doing business for the last 30+ years. We have been told to Just Do It. As the newer generations are slowly taking over the business world, we are seeing something new.
    The new generation is realizing that it's not what you do, it's HOW you do it. With this film we see that more people are looking for integrity in business. People want to be aware. I know the people of my generation are more than curious, we always want to know what is going on around us. This is very important. If we know what is going on then we can change it.
    Maybe we cannot take over big corporations yet, but we are already starting to see new businesses doing things in a different way, a more pleasant way. A way that takes time and care.
    The new age in business is not about mass production, but about aesthetics and being unique.
    I believe we will see the same change in the way we eat. Already there seems to be more vegetarians and vegans and people who won't anything in their mouth if they do not know where it came from.
